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Mission Statement


Coes Pond is part of the Tacnuck Brook Watershed. The vision of this organization is to create a watershed community to keep lakes, streams, green spaces, atmosphere and aquifer clear and clean. This association also hopes to create a rich ecosystem of native plants and animals. Coes Pond has adopted a similar mission statement due to its location in this watershed. The goal of Coes Pond is to make this vision a reality. There are multiple components to measure the success of this vision which are as follows.



1) The waterbodies of our watershed pass the legal standards for safe swimming.


2) The fish in the waterbodies pass the legal standards for eating, and these waterbodies support a rich, pre-industrial ecosystem of native organisms, including fish that once again migrate here from the ocean to spawn.


3) The depth and area of the waterbodies are stabilized, unthreatened by sedimentation and plant growth.


4) Residents of the watershed can live in peace and calm, unencumbered by excessive noise, lights and offensive odors.


5) All residents of the watershed live within a 15 minute walk of a publicly accessible forest.


6) There exist legal restrictions on land and water use within the watershed to ensure points 1-5 into perpetuity.


7) The watershed association supports regularly scheduled community outreach efforts to maintain and increase awareness of watershed issues among all watershed residents.


8) Watershed citizens work with students and faculty in Worcester's schools and universities to continuously and cooperatively monitor, study and improve the watershed.


A pleasent view of Coes Pond

Swans on Coes Pond

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